
  中晶房屋系列产品采用冷弯薄壁型轻钢(Cold-Formed Steel)密肋结构(Multi-Ribbed Slab Structure)体系,采用国际 先进的Vertex数字化生产设备,自主研发了轻钢集成房屋、新型轻体隔墙、可移动轻体房屋、抗震房屋、气膜房屋等多项产品, 结合集团既有制造加工工艺等技术,打造从主体结构到机电安装,由室外装饰至室内装修的系统化、整体性、装配式体系;自主 研发、设计、生产和安装技术,以其优良耐久的使用性能、高安全性、高抗震、高抗风、高环保、高舒适度、高保温保暖能力、便捷 快速的施工等特点获得了市场和用户的广泛认可,目前应用服务于旅游地产、特色小镇、农业综合体、安居安置工程、旧楼改 造、抗灾抗震房屋建设等领域,积极助力新型城镇化、海绵城市建设等。

Introduction of Zhongjing Integrated House Products

The Cold-Formed Steel Multi-Ribbed Slab Structure are adopted for Zhongjing House Series Products. With the internationally advanced Vertex digital production equipment, multiple products including light steel integrated house, new type light partition wall, movable light house, earthquake-resistant house and air film house are independently researched and developed. In combination with the Group’s existing manufacturing and processing techniques and other techniques, a systematic, integrated and assembly type system for projects from main body structure to mechanical and electrical installation and from outdoor decoration to indoor decoration are created. With our independent research and development, design, production and installation techniques, the products are widely recognized by the market and users by its quality and perdurable usability, high-level safety, high earthquake resistance, high wind resistance, high environmental protection, high comfort level, high heat preservation ability, and convenient and fast construction. The products are currently being applied and serving in various fields including tourism real estate, featured towns, agricultural complex, comfortable housing and settlement projects, renovation of old buildings and construction of disaster and earthquake resistant houses, actively assisting in the new-type urbanization and the construction of sponge cities.

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版权所有: 中晶国瑞(天津)建设发展集团有限公司

Copyright by Zhongjingguorui (Tianjin) Construction Development Group Co., Ltd.
